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A Psychological Evaluation Remains as a Fundamental Component in the Immigration Process

Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) Claudia Ribas provides an expert psychological assessment that helps clients follow their dreams and stay with their families.

In search of greener pastures, many people opt to migrate to foreign lands with better opportunities. They deem that all the challenges and stress that they will face in the immigration process and actual adaptation of another culture would be worth it in the end. However, the transition can be further complicated should they pursue legal status in the United States.

Aside from providing psychotherapy, Claudia Ribas, LCSW also supports families and individuals by conducting their immigration psychological assessment. She has been in this field for the past 17 years and has been working with many different lawyers in the U.S. She also graduated with a Master of Arts Degree in Clinical Social Work from New York University (NYU), a master’s in applied psychology from Fairfield University (CT) and she received a Honorary Ph.D. in Psychoanalysis from Southern California University from Professional Studies.

Understanding that varying experiences of immigration, exile, and displacement can be overwhelming, she makes sure to help ease the emotional and social challenges of her clients through her expertise. “My professional and personal knowledge of multinational identity makes me especially sensitive to issues of cultural selfhood and adjustment,” she said.

An immigration psychological evaluation helps immigration courts determine whether an individual will be able to lawfully stay in the country. Therefore, the comprehensive evaluation must be conducted by an expert who understands the complex factors involved in immigration cases. This can tremendously help the lawyer support the case with the exhaustive value it should provide.

As someone who experienced immigration firsthand, Claudia can relate to the situation of her clients. She is therefore capable of bringing a friendly and comforting presence to all her work as a skilled psychotherapist in private practice. “Much of my career is about reaching people in their struggles with these issues, resonating with their frustration, pain, and ambivalence,” she added. In high consideration of their well-being, she carefully goes through the process of the psychological evaluation to make sure that her clients get to see the full picture and manage their expectations.

The evaluation includes in-depth interviews. Potential clients can be assured that their assessment will include all relevant medical, social, and psychological history required by the authorities. The importance of having the psychological assessment be prepared by an experienced practitioner who must be familiar with the unique requirements of the Extreme Difficulty Standard used in the I-601 and I-601a exemption applications cannot be overstated. To know more about Claudia’s services, visit her website at now.


About Claudia Ribas, LCSW

Claudia Ribas specializes in Psychological Reports for Immigrants. She works with immigrants and their families from any country. Her assessment interviews are done by a questionnaire, via a Client Portal and an interview through video telehealth.

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