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Why a Psych Evaluation is Sometimes Required for a Visa Application

Applying for a US visa can be a complex process.  While some people apply for a work visa or a green card through traditional means, others might seek a visa to escape harm or violence in their home country.  A psychological evaluation is a fancy way of saying a report on an individual’s mental health or well-being. It can help to identify any psychological, emotional, or social problems an individual may be experiencing. Psychological evaluations can also be used to assess an individual’s suitability for a particular job, role or to support or strengthen a legal matter. For example, a psychological evaluation can be used to determine an individual’s eligibility for immigration purposes. It can help you obtain your papers and stay legal in the United States. The evaluation can help to diagnose any underlying mental health conditions. Psychological evaluations can be conducted by mental health professionals such as Clinical Social Workers and Psychologists. The evaluations usually involve an interview, as well as some testing.

Several paths are available to those who wish to stay in the US to avoid trauma, but many of them might require a psych evaluation to prove hardship.

Here are six occasions where you may need a psych evaluation in order to get a visa:

Extreme Hardship Cases

Extreme hardship cases are one instance in which a psych evaluation may be necessary.  This means that if an individual were to be deported, it would be an extreme hardship for their family.  Examples of this would include someone caring for a family member with a major medical issue or caring for elderly parents.  The psych evaluation would be done on members of the family to help show why how would be affected by the individual’s deportation.

Political Asylum Cases

Political asylum cases refer to when an individual has been mistreated or abused in their home country due to their political or religious beliefs, gender, or ethnic identity.  In this instance, a psych evaluation would show the mental health consequences of the abuse and how further abuse would impact them in the future.

Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) allows men or women who have been abused by their US citizen spouse to remain in the country without having to remain in the marriage.  In this case, a psych evaluation would help establish the psychological impact of the spousal abuse, thereby making them eligible for immigration benefits under VAWA.

U Visa

If someone is the victim of a serious crime while in the US, they may be eligible for a U Visa.  They would have to show that they experienced substantial mental or physical abuse and help law enforcement in the prosecution of the person who committed the crime.  In this instance, a psych evaluation would show the effects of the crime on the individual’s mental health.

T Visa

If someone is a victim of human trafficking, then they may be eligible for a T Visa if they can prove that deportation would cause them unusual or severe harm.  A psych evaluation would show the mental health consequences of the abuse.

On many occasions a psychological evaluation will add a lot of value to your immigration case and help prove your eligibility.  If you’re seeking a visa through these means, it’s a good idea to undergo a psych evaluation to help your case.

Claudia Ribas LCSW

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